Alkaphi Software Engineering
Software . Digitalisation . Innovation


Digitalisation is a complete process to make the work easier, simpler and more efficient. It is not just a program or a software to install, but it is also a great tool to modernize the whole firm. therefore, we established our business to offer integrated and individual services including the analysis, consultation, software development and after sale support.


Download the app in AppStore, Google Play or Microsoft Store.

Our Main Services

Include but are not limited to

Software Development

Using a wide range of programming languages such as PHP, ASP, Java, C++, etc.

Analysis and Consultation

Make the best decisions through deep and professional analysis.

Strategic Planning

Our tool to realize your dreams.

High Level Services

Image processing, artificial intelligence, Simulation (Matlab)

Graphic Design Services


After Sale Services

Enhancements and support.

Our Products

It is not enough for us to offer our services in consultation, software development and digitalisation, so we decided to have our own products. These products can be software products, hardware- software products or even systems. They are going to be available sequentially according to our resources, capacity availability and our analysis of the demands of the markets.

Our First Product

Alkaphi Administrative Tool (AAT) which reflects our vision to digitalise the process of work flow in the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), with AAT you can expect the following:

A simple and practical tool to manage your resources (human, vehicles, equipment).

Full control of the whole work process in just few clicks.

Full observation of worker's performance.

Intelligent archiving for the documents and the ease to reach them anytime and anywhere.

Full control of the maintenance process and the maintenance data of vehicles and equipment; in addition to reminders for the suggested actions such as changing the old tires or the motor oil.

Easy way to manage your data and to solve the permissions issues.

Your system would simply be installed on your server, the same would apply for your data.

Forgetting the problems emerging from using big data in table programs such as scrolling and sluggishness.

At last we must mention that AAT is not a final product, it is just a prototype. Simply because every firm has its own work flow system that was self-developed internally with time and experience and has also its protocols in dealing with its customers and providers. For these reasons, we offer a fully individualized and customized systems for each case. The aim of AAT is to present the digitalisation concept and to show you how your own system looks like.
